Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Framed out and Faired

Here is the finished framework. The frames are all recycled fir from the Rebuilding Center in Portland, gussetts are 1/2" ply, fastners are all hot-dipped galvanized bolts. The keelson is a single piece of clear fir from a 30'long 2x14 I found at the rebuilding center (that place rocks!). All of the cross-spalls visible are temporary. The strongback is made from some 2x14s and the horses are roughsawn 2x8s--all from the rebuilding center. The horses are bolted to the garage floor and all in all it's pretty solid. I climb around on it and nothing moves!

Lots of plane shavings--I gave my stanley baily #7 a good workout getting the chine log and keelson faired in.


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