Finally decided it would have to be smooth enough and headed down to Miller. A friend got a great deal on some Miller Marine Alkyd Enamel which sounded like it was pretty tough, but not too expensive. We bought 5 gallons of primer, 5 gallons of the primary color (Gray) and a gallon of accent color (blue). I first swept off the hull with a big broom, then vacumed it and tacked it down. The primer went on pretty smoothly, 24 hours later came the first coat of paint and a couple days after that the second. I neglected to "tip off" the first coat after rolling it on so there is a little more texture that I would have liked. I suppose if I get too worried about it, I'll sand it down, but I have too many onther projects to worry about before working on that anymore. I'll paint the boot-top then start figuring out how to flip the beast over.
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